Title: Trust Fandom: Star Trek Reboot Characters/Pairing: Kirk/McCoy Rating: PG-13 Word Count: ~1600 Summary: Before there is sex, there's an introduction.
Title: Hella Bar Talk Fandom: Star Trek Reboot/Castle crossover Pairing: Kirk/McCoy, Beckett, Castle, Ryan, Esposito Rating: PG-13 Word count: 2200 Summary: A drunk, a crime novelist, and a doctor walk into a precinct... -- ( Hella Bar Talk )
Title: Magic Fingers Fandom: Star Trek Characters/Pairings: Jim, Bones, Archer's Prized Beagle Word Count: ~600 Summary: Archer's Beagle plays favorites in the commissary. -
Insomnia is not an excuse for giving me Star Trek A/U plot bunnies. I don't care how perfect Jim would be as a space pirate; it's been done. Well, close enough to done. It really didn't work out well for his brother, in any case. It is also not an excuse to have Jim kidnapped Bones at every opportunity, just as revenge on Spock for
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